Tuesday, May 4, 2010

How to delete virus ym

Follow this link


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

appling a window 7 image using imagex

capturing and appling a window 7 image using imagex

1. using win PE at PC
2. Run win Pe command


a. diskpart
b. select disk=0
c. Create partition primary
d. select partion 1
e. format fs=ntfs quick
f. select partion 1
g. active
h. Assign letter=c
i. exit


"net use z: \\sigmapc\kongsi" {sigmapc=PC name, kongsi=folder name} PC chechk at network
"sigma00\sigmapc" {sigma00=PC username}
"d:\imagex /apply z:\windows7-ref.wim 1.c {dir z: for show file}

sharing canter for window7

1. network and sahring center
2. Change advance sharing setting
3. turn on sharing

Thursday, January 28, 2010

capturing and appling a window 7 image using imagex

1. share folder file.
2. PC must have user name and password. Remember PC name. (for PC2)
3. run sysprep at pc1
4. using win PE at PC1
4.1 win Pe command

"net use z: \\sigmapc\kongsi" {sigmapc=PC name, kongsi=folder name}
"sigma00\sigmapc" {sigma00=PC username}
"d:\imagex /check /capture c: z:\windows7-ref.wim "windows Imagex""

Configure TCP/IP from the Command Prompt

using command prompt, tipe

a1. for set ip static
1. netsh interface ip show config
2. netsh interface ip set address name="local area connection" static 255.255.255.o

a2. for set ip dhcp
1. netsh interface ip set address "local area connection" dhcp

b1. set dns static
1. netsh interface ip set dns"local area connection" static 10.0.x.x

b2. set dns dhcp
1. netsh interface ip set dns "local area connection" dhcp

Thursday, January 21, 2010

How to open hardisk if infect virus


Volume in drive D has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 7863-F5AD

D:\>attrib -h -s -r autorun.inf

D:\>del autorun.inf


Volume in drive H has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 1831-62B2

Directory of H:\

2009-01-07 17:14 $AVG8.VAULT$
2009-01-07 10:57 595 autorun.inf
2009-01-02 08:45 backup
2006-11-07 07:18 RECYCLER
2006-11-03 06:39 System Volume Information
1 File(s) 595 bytes
4 Dir(s) 36,439,891,968 bytes free

Friday, January 15, 2010

Network problem - The problem is when you change you network port you can browse.

1. Change you cable and your faceplate.

Printer Network problem

1. If you cannot print and cannot search you network printer - firstly check you network to you printer. -maybe cable or you port or switch problem.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Problem Windows XP - PC cannot boot and always restart.

he solution is to restore the GDI32.dll from the service pack into Windows system folder with the following steps:
  1. Boot from a Windows CD or BartPE.
  2. At Welcome to Setup screen, press “R” to start repair option and open up a
  3. Recovery Console’s command prompt window.
  4. Select the Windows installation to use, normally is C:\Windows and just one option. If so, press “1″ and hit Enter.
  5. If prompted for administrator password, enter the password (normally blank) and hit Enter.
  6. chkdsk /p
  7. fixboot
  8. fixmbr

windows xp blue screen - c0000139

he solution is to restore the GDI32.dll from the service pack into Windows system folder with the following steps:
  1. Boot from a Windows CD or BartPE.
  2. At Welcome to Setup screen, press “R” to start repair option and open up a
  3. Recovery Console’s command prompt window.
  4. Select the Windows installation to use, normally is C:\Windows and just one option. If so, press “1″ and hit Enter.
  5. If prompted for administrator password, enter the password (normally blank) and hit Enter.
  6. Make a backup of existing GDI32.dll in system folder with following command:
    REN C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll.old
  7. Replace “C” of the drive letter of your Windows installation drive if necessary.
  8. Then copy backup GDI32.dll to the system folder with the following commands:
    copy C:\Windows\ServicePackFiles\i386\GDI32.dll C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll
  9. Replace “C” with your own system drive letter if applicable.
  10. Restart computer.
If you don’t have the original Windows XP CD, or been asked for administrator password which you don’t have or doesn’t set and hence unable to run restore options, try to boot from any other bootable floppy diskette, or bootable CD/DVD. If you’re on dual-boot system, it’s possible to boot from another OS to access the Windows XP installation, but make sure you use the proper path.

Share File

1. My Document - tool - folder option - view - use simple file sharing
2. Start - All program - Accessories - Cummunication - network setup wizard

Internet Problem

[solved] Windows 7 & IE8 - Data Execution Prevention (DEP) Problem - Oracle Forms

1. You can Install New Java. java 6 update to java 7
2. You can follow this reference at below label.