Wednesday, February 10, 2010

appling a window 7 image using imagex

capturing and appling a window 7 image using imagex

1. using win PE at PC
2. Run win Pe command


a. diskpart
b. select disk=0
c. Create partition primary
d. select partion 1
e. format fs=ntfs quick
f. select partion 1
g. active
h. Assign letter=c
i. exit


"net use z: \\sigmapc\kongsi" {sigmapc=PC name, kongsi=folder name} PC chechk at network
"sigma00\sigmapc" {sigma00=PC username}
"d:\imagex /apply z:\windows7-ref.wim 1.c {dir z: for show file}

sharing canter for window7

1. network and sahring center
2. Change advance sharing setting
3. turn on sharing